
10 Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaning Methods

There is at least one bottle of hydrogen peroxide in many homes—not all or most, but many. It is usually packaged in a brown container because it becomes unstable, separates, and becomes worthless when exposed to sunlight. It’s most commonly found in the first aid aisle while shopping, which is why it’s most commonly utilized as… a first aid product. Well, it has a number of additional applications, particularly in cleaning. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hydrogen peroxide is an efficient disinfectant that may kill viruses, bacteria, and other forms of germs.

One quick note: if you prepare any sort of DIY cleaning remedy that includes hydrogen peroxide, make it on the spot and discard it when you’re through. Make only as much as you need because it won’t last long. Oh, and always test it in a hidden area first before using it as a stain remover or whitener to ensure it does not hurt or discolor the surface/garment.

Miracle Stain Remover

A few years ago, a recipe for Dawn Miracle Cleaner went viral on Pinterest. It was two parts hydrogen peroxide to one part Dawn dish soap. To be honest, it may be any dish soap, however, Dawn works very well.

The most essential thing here is to handle the stain like you would any other stain. To begin, remove any leftover debris/liquid by scraping and blotting—always treat a dry stain. Then, using a cleaning toothbrush, carefully brush the stain removal product in (don’t overuse the product or you’ll have to do additional rinsing later). Allow it to sit for 10 minutes before blotting with a clean towel and water to remove the substance (then launder as usual if applicable). This is one of those situations when you should try it first in an inconspicuous location before using it on a soft surface (like a sofa or carpet).

Cleaner for Cutting Boards

Glass cutting boards are very resistant to smells, but wood (and even plastic) may get rather unpleasant with time. If you discover that your cutting board smells, it means that there are bacteria on the surface that has to be removed. Straight hydrogen peroxide is an easy method to deal with it; spray it on the surface, let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, then scrub your cutting board with soap and water, rinse carefully, and allow it to dry. Straight hydrogen peroxide will surely kill any odor-causing microorganisms.

Garbage Cans

Garbage, recycling, and compost containers can accumulate a strong odor. These items, whether kept inside your house or in your garage, must be handled regularly are several to eliminate residual smells. An excellent approach to deal with them is to first make sure they’ve been cleansed, but then use some pure hydrogen peroxide to eliminate any smells. Allow the dumpsters to rest for about 10 minutes after thoroughly spraying the interiors. Once this time has gone, just wipe them down. If the scents persist, repeat the process a couple more times to return your normally stinky bins to a lovely neutral condition.

Blood Stains

If you acquire a bloodstain on your clothing or mattress, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide is a quick and easy cure. Once a bloodstain has formed, it is quite difficult to remove, therefore always deal with it as soon as possible. Remove the clothing as soon as you discover a bloodstain, apply a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the area, and you should observe that the bloodstain begins to fade virtually instantly. You may even see some bubbling, which is a good sign! Allow this to rest for a minute before rinsing with cold water. Repeat until the stain has disappeared, then launder the item as usual.

Toilet Plume + Toothbrush = Nasty!

If you don’t know what a toilet plume is… It’s the tiny spray that comes out of your toilet every time you flush it—and sure, if your oral healthcare instruments (toothbrush!) are within acceptable proximity (six feet or so? ), some of that toilet plume will drop on them. To summarize, you may prepare a simple solution of 3 parts water to 1 part hydrogen peroxide and soak any of your dental health care implements in it. Allow objects to soak for up to 30 minutes, then rinse well and air dry to eliminate bacteria. As an aside, before you flush, close that lid.

Kids’ Toys

There are several varieties of children’s toys, as well as numerous methods for cleaning them. However, if you only have a pile of plastic toys—no batteries, no internal parts—there is a very simple technique to clean and sterilize them. Fill a bowl with a liter/quart of water, add 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide (for a 4 to 1 ratio), and soak your toys for around 10 minutes. This will kill the majority of the bacteria and germs that have grown on the toys. To conclude, give them a good rinse and let them air dry.

Makeup Sponges and Blenders

Those of us who use makeup are aware that we must clean our cosmetic equipment on a semi-regular basis. If you use sponges to apply your makeup, these may be quite difficult to clean. First and foremost, I would recommend that you clean them with soapy water. Then, soak for around 10 minutes in a 3 to 1 solution (three parts water to one part hydrogen peroxide). Allow for a 10-minute resting period. This can assist destroy any acne-causing germs that you wish to get rid of. Brushes may be cleaned in soapy water as well, and then sprayed with a little hydrogen peroxide and left for a minute or two.

Washing Produce

If you’re concerned about the cleanliness of your vegetables when you arrive home from the grocery shop, you may make a simple wash. Simply combine a liter/quart of water and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide in a big mixing basin. Put in all of your produce and soak it for around 5 minutes. This should be enough time for the hydrogen peroxide to kill any germs and/or bacteria that may be present on the surface of your vegetables. Then, and this is critical, thoroughly rinse and dry everything before placing it in the fridge or keeping it on the counter.

Reusable Bags

Do we ever consider washing our reusable bags? Consider where they’ve been: grocery store floors, conveyor belts, vehicle trunks, public transportation floors, kitchen floors, garage floors, and so on. You guessed it: hydrogen peroxide is an easy method to clean them. Toss them in the washer with normal detergent and a cup of hydrogen peroxide in the bleach section. If you just add this to your laundry, you can anticipate your bags to come out not only cleaner, but also free of bacteria, viruses, and other unpleasant stuff.

Grout Whitener

We enjoy using hydrogen peroxide to whiten grout since it is well-known for its ability to whiten. A simple grout whitener formula would be 2 parts baking soda to 1 part hydrogen peroxide. You may combine that in a bowl (remember, just make as much as you need at the time) and then apply it to your unclean grout using a cleaning toothbrush. Allow this to sit for about 5 minutes before retrieving the cleaning toothbrush and scrubbing a little further before washing with a clean cloth (baking soda tends to leave a little bit of grittiness behind so you want to focus on this when rinsing).

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