Cleaning window


Cleaning windows is one of the most effective methods to instantly improve the appearance of your house or company. Shiny, dirt-free windows let in natural light, making the interior area appear brighter and, in some cases, larger. When it comes time to clean these window panes, though, many of us rely on the tried-and-true rag-and-Windex method. Although elbow grease appears to be helpful, it is not the greatest method for removing the outside film left by automobiles and pollutants.

Hiring a professional cleaner to get the job done correctly is often the best option. It is, nevertheless, feasible to clean your own windows like an expert. So take a look at our helpful hints and you’ll have squeaky-clean, streak-free windows in no time!

Never use sponges or rags.

As previously said, many of us believe that utilizing a cloth and spray-on solution will suffice. However, this is one of the most ineffective methods of cleaning windows. Sponges and rags, no matter how clean they are, leave a lot of moisture behind. Residual moisture is terrible for windows because it will almost always leave a visible film behind, even after it dries. This film will be less visible in low light, but it is clearly visible in direct sunlight.

The fewer suds, the better.

The idea that more suds equals cleaner windows is debunked. Excessive suds produce a greasy coating that is difficult to remove. A modest bit of dishwashing liquid in a warm pail of water is recommended by many experts. Soak the caked-on filth and knock it loose using a horizontal sponge applicator with a comfortable handle.

Use a squeegee at all times.

If you want your windows to seem like they were cleaned by a professional, you must use a high-quality squeegee. This useful gadget is the most effective method to prevent all that leftover wetness. After cleaning the windows with warm water and detergent, use a squeegee to remove all of the residues. The professionals always squeegee side to side rather than up and down. This is due to the fact that it is simpler to maintain the same squeegee pressure when moving in this direction.

Pull the squeegee straight across from left to right, beginning at the top. Wipe the blade with a dry cloth after each stroke. If you use a lint-free rag, your squeegee will leave tiny dust particles on your windows. For this sort of labor, cloth diapers or linen napkins are ideal.

Even if cleaning your own windows is a simple chore, you may wish to employ a professional.

Hire a professional To clean your Window. Book now:

Call Us: 514.629.0841

Address: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Mail Us: info@dialcleaningservices.com

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