
Difference Between Sanitizer And Disinfectant

Although several months have passed since the state of alarm was released, it is still advisable to keep the surfaces disinfected. Just as you have to wear masks and respect a safe distance, experts emphasize that cleanliness in premises and homes is vital to avoid getting COVID-19. Therefore, it is normal that we are more in contact than ever with cleaning products, but do you know what the difference is between sanitizer and disinfectant?

Difference between sanitization, disinfection and cleaning

The main difference between these types of cleaning is their position in the entire cleaning process.

Step 1: Clean

The first thing we have to do is clean the floors with a broom and remove the dust with a cloth or duster when we get going. Cleaning is essentially about removing dust, debris, and surface dirt.

Step 2: Sanitize

After removing that first layer of dirt, it’s time to sanitize. This step consists of using a basic cleaning product that helps us eliminate most of the bacteria in the area.

Step 3: disinfect

To disinfect your home or premises, it will be necessary to use a specific product. In this phase, we will destroy or inactivate all bacteria and viruses on non-porous surfaces, which is why health authorities emphasize that this process considerably reduces the risk of spreading the infection. Depending on the disinfectant product you choose, you will eliminate certain bacteria and viruses, so we recommend checking the label to see if it meets what you are looking for.

Step 4: flavor

It is common for disinfectant products to have a strong smell of alcohol or bleach. To achieve a more pleasant aroma in the room, we recommend finishing the cleaning process with an aromatic product.

To be successful in cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection, they will have to be carried out following the process that we enumerated before, using the appropriate technique and products. For this reason, at Dial Cleaning Services, we have professionals you can trust throughout the cleaning process, ensuring proper monitoring and application.

Why is sanitizer and disinfectant important?

Carrying out proper sanitation and disinfection is very important to keep your home clean and fight any virus or bacteria. For this reason, we suggest that you do not reduce the process only to sanitation since this may not eliminate all contamination, as it does not penetrate all layers of dirt.

Frequency to perform the entire cleaning process

In the highest peaks of infections, we advise you to carry out this process twice a week. By doing this, your home or premises will be impeccable and you will only have to daily affect the disinfectant in those areas most used, such as doorknobs, sink keys and toilets.

Difference between sanitizing and sanitize

The word “sanitize” may sound familiar to you, but don’t worry, this is not another step in the process, but rather the same process as “sanitize”. Both concepts are used to define the use of chemicals to kill germs on objects and surfaces.

To sanitize or sanitize porous surfaces, it is advisable to leave the product to act on the area for a period of time. Please pay attention to the characteristics of the surface where you are going to apply it since some sanitizers contain bleach and could damage varnishes or lacquers.

Tips for a good disinfection

Health authorities recommend the use of viricidal disinfectants as these have shown great efficacy against viruses and bacteria. They can be bought in supermarkets, drugstores, or specialized cleaning businesses.

But remember that when it comes time to apply the product, you need to consider some safety tips. You will have to wear gloves and suitable clothing to clean since these types of products could damage your hands or stain your clothes. In the event that your skin or eyes are in direct contact with the product, clean the area with plenty of water and go to your doctor if it generates any adverse reaction.

How to choose the best disinfectant against COVID-19?

To confirm that the chosen product is valid to eliminate the virus, you will have to look at its label. 

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